+92 (61) 6350650 MGES Secteriate


Academic Calendar

Level IX-XII 2024-25

Level V-VIII 2024-25


Time Tables & Bell Timings

Class Time Table (IX-XII)

Class Time Table (V-VIII)

Bell Timings

Admission Policy

Admission Policy

Fee Policy

Fee Policy

CCA Achievements

Discipline / Rules of Conduct

The institution aims at inculcating sound moral and social values amongst the students. Ahigh standard of discipline is maintained to ensure and atmosphere fully conducive to learning. Strict measures are adopted to curb tendencies amongst students to transgree their disciplinary obligations. Some of the rules and regulations pertaining to discipline are as under:-

1     Student should be neatly dressed up in the prescribed school uniform, and after two warnings will be fined Rs. 100/-.

2     Students should keep the institution environment clean.

3     Students should be regular and punctual in attending classes and all school activities.

4     Students will not leave the institution premises without the permission of the Principal/ Section Head.

5     Students will apply in advance for leave of absence. The application should be duly endorsed by the parents.

6     Students are expected to be respectful, obedient and courteous towards the staff members, fellow students and visitors inside the institution.

7     Students should avoid impolite and unseemly behaviour and conduct themselves with grace and modesty within and outside the institution.

8     Cheating, stealing or telling lies will be viewed as serious breach of good conduct and behaviour.

9     Use of unfair means in examination will be considered as seriour violation of rules.

10  Smoking or chewing gum/ pan masala/ toxic items are strictly prohibited.

11  Agitating the students, persuading them to absent from classes, causing disorder and creating indiscipline will be considered as a serious violation of rules.

12  Students will not bring any valuable items, jwellery, mobile phones or large sums of money, photographs, camera, radio set or weapon etc to school.

13  Violation of rules may result in imposition of fine, temporary suspension or termination of students, depending upon the severity of offence.

14  Students should protect institution's property. Any deliberation and willful effort to damage/ deface the school prperty will be treated as a seriuos breach of discipline.

15  Students must look after their belongings. The institution is not responsible for any theft/ losses.


TAs per design approved by APSACS Secreteriat.


  • White Shirt with APSACS monogram
  • Grey Trouser / Shorts
  • Black Shoes
  • Black Socks


  • Summer Uniform with dark green pullover or blazer with necktie.

Admission Criteria

  1. Admission to each class will be made through an entrance test except for the transfer cases from APSACS to APSACS. They will be evaluated for the level of their achievements and skills.
  2. 60 % Marks(aggregate) will be the minimum criteria for admission in HSSC I Year.
  3. Fresh Admissions: New admission in class VI and 1st year will be made at the start of the session. Admission dates will be announced by the MGES sectt. Admissions will be made on the performance of the students (Test & interview).
  4. During Session Admissions:
  • All candidates for admissions shall be tested in major subjects and/ or interviewed before they are admitted to the school.
  • Those candidates who pass the admission test and are not admitted due to non-availability of seats shell remain on the waiting list for a period not exceeding one month, after which the list shall be null and void.
  • Admissions are based on the under mentioned priorities:
  1. Priority I: Children of Shaheed
  2. Priority II: War / operation disabled category "A"
  3. Priority III: Children of Serving Armed Forces Personnel
  4. Priority IV: Children of:
  • Retired / deceased Armed Forces Personnel
  • Civilians paid out of Defence Estimate
  1. Priority V: Civilians:
  • Government servants 30 %
  • Preferably residents of Cantt

Academic Session

  • First Term: April to Nov
  • Final Term: Nov to Mar

 School Timing

  • Summer: 07:30 to 13:30 hrs
  • Winter: 08:00 to 14:00 hrs

Exams / Assessment Test...

  • As per APSACS dates and FBISE.

Co- Curricular Activities ...

Students participate in activities like Games, Sports, Debates, Quiz, Qirat / Naat, Elocution Days Celebration and Drama etc. There are House wise competition followed by inter school competitions of Multan Region.

House System, Clubs & Societies...

The School / College is segregated into four houses to inculcate the spirit of competition on the basis of house affiliation. These will be

  • House of unity (Red)
  • House of Faith (Blue)
  • House of Discipline (Orange)
  • House of Tolerance (Yellow )

Academic Courses Offered...


  • F.SC (Pre- Engineering)
  • F.SC (Pre- Medical)
  • F.SC (Computer Sci.)


  • SSC (Biology)
  • SSC (Computer Sci.)

Instructions for Parents / Guardians...

In view of the fact that education of children is the joint responsibility of the parents / guardians and the institution, the parents must coordinate and extend their cooperation to the institution in disciplinary matters. For this purpose, the following instructions are laid down specifically for parents / guardians.

  • The parents/ guardians shouldkeep abreast with the performance of their children/wards in bi-monthly, term and annaual examinations.
  • They are expected to see he Principal/ Section Head without delay whenever required to do so.
  • They should cooperate with the institutions in matters regarding discipline, uniform, attendance, punctionality, good conduct and behaviour of their children/wards.
  • They should abide by policies and regulations of the institutions regarding educational methods, promotion, failures, detentions and send up of admissions for the FBISE examinations.
  • They should not approach the teachers directly for any queries, complaints or suggestions. Instead, they should either see Section Head or Principal who may arrange their meetings with members of staff, if deemed necessary.
  • They should ensure that their children/wards do not waste time at home and do their homework regularly.
  • They are to read and sign all notices; circulars and written intinations sent to them by the institution from time to time and comply with the instructions contained therein.
  • They must ensure timely payment of school dues.
  • They must apply in writing for withdrawal of their children/wards from the institution.
  • They must intimate change in their address/ telephone number or other particulars, if any, to the instruction.

Parent's Visit to School...

Parents of School children can visit the School and see the Principal daily between 1030 hours 1200 hours. They can ask about the progress of their children/wards and may discuss the problem, if any, with the class teacher through the Principal/ Section Head. In case of any emergency. they can take their children from the school with the permission of the Principal. The parents are not allowed to visit the classes of their children during working hours. 

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